Toastmasters Tall Tales Contest

Esteban Lopez | Feb 2, 2024 min read

I won first prize in the talltales contest oganized by First Class Toastmasters in September 20th, 2023.

Tall Tales

A tall tale is a story that contains unbelievable elements told as if they were true and factual. The book The Adventures of Baron Munchausen would be the greatest example of a compilation of tall tales as the main character Baron Munchausen tells stories of his travels exagerating the truth a tiny bit. I seriously recommend this book, it is a solid read.

As a member of Toastmasters Internation I am allowed to participate in contests. The Tall Tale Contest was organized by my club this year and although the competition was fierce I was able to win first prize! I was beyond thrilled because I did not think I first prize was in the cards. To this day I am still grateful.